
Unit responsible for marketing Large Volume Parenteral (LVP) solutions and medication, including a broad portfolio of cutting edge products with high quality standards.

List of hospital medication

Unit responsible for marketing medicines and parenteral solutions of large volume, with a broad portfolio of high-tech and high quality standard products. 

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The hospital services market, one of the most affected ones during the Covid-19 pandemic, has started to resume its operations. After two years of a strong boom, with higher bed occupancy and demand, the main downturns in the market were verified in the drug classes that were more directly affected, such as antibiotics and anesthetics.  

In 2015, the Unit launched two new drugs in the market for the treatment of severe hospital infections – antibiotics Linezolid and Moxifloxacin Hydrochloride. In 2019, the unit made an important launch, Heptar, the only heparin of bovine origin available in the market.  

In 2022 this Unit reported sales amounting to R$ 615 million, 34% lower than in the previous year. Nonetheless, it saw a certain growth when we consider its CAGR in the last three years. Currently, its list of clients counts on 1.645 active hospitals and more than 100 distributors, totalizing 1.750 active clients.